St. Elijah Serbian Orthodox Church Fellowship and Ministry Group
“Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40

The Fellowship and Ministry Committee of St. Elijah Serbian Orthodox Church was formed with the mission to serve the underserved, and to extend benevolent care and Orthodox Christian love to our neighbors, both within our church community and local community.
Our mission is to extend Christian love and service to our neighbors, both within and outside of the St. Elijah Church community. Within St. Elijah Serbian Orthodox Church, we aim to grow and enrich our church family by creating fellowship opportunities for all, from our very young families to our golden generation, including those parishioners who are not physically with us every Sunday. We also aim to reach our neighbors outside of our church community, especially those who are less fortunate or in need of help that we can give.
Steering Committee
Marija Yaramus
Nena Jovonovich
Diane Volitich Knapp
Dawn Kosanovich
Sam Yaramus
St Elijah Parishioner Ministry Projects: 2019-present
Soup and Sandwich Saturday
Once a month outreach food ministry benefitting elderly and disabled residents of senior high-rise facilities, Sheffield Towers and Roosevelt Towers in downtown Aliquippa. Prepare and deliver homemade soup, sandwiches, fresh fruit cup, cookie, water to 100 residents. In collaboration with Kimisis Tis Theotokou Greek Orthodox Church and other community volunteers

Homebound St. Elijah parishioners
Lenten Visitation & gift bag:
Delivered by our wonderful parishioner volunteers, each bag contained; handmade card from Sunday School children, personalized greeting card, palm cross, resurrection icon, Sarris chocolate, and Easter flower.
Thanksgiving Visitation & gift bag:
Delivered by our wonderful parishioner volunteers, each bag contained; handmade card from Sunday School children, personalized greeting card, delicious nut roll made by Georgette Osman, chocolate, and icon/ prayer book.
Hristos se Rodi od Srca – Visitation & gift bag:
Delivered by our wonderful parishioner volunteers, each bag contained; handmade card from Sunday School children, personalized greeting card, generous gift from secret Santa parishioners, delicious nut roll made by Georgette Osman, chocolate, and Bozic badnjak & slama.

Parishioner Potluck: 2019-present
Planned and executed fellowship meals following Divine Liturgy for our beloved parishioners through the generous and tasty donations of our wonderful parish family.

College parishioner student care packages: 2019, 2022
Prepared, packed, and sent care packages to our hard working students just prior to mid term finals to inspire their great work. Boxes include a restaurant gift card, snacks, icon, prayer book, and treats.

Community Outreach: 2019-present
Aliquippa School District Weekend Lunch Program Volunteer Packing

Sponsored by the Darrelle Revis Foundation, St Elijah Fellowship and Ministry coordinates a volunteer and packing schedule and with the help of other churches and community groups helps to pack 500 lunches for our local Aliquippa School District weekend Lunch Program every other Thursday evening. We need your help!
To sign up please sign up on sign up genius

Aliquippa Free Little Pantry (@ Stevie’s Dairy Mart)
Beginning in 2022, St. Elijah made an ongoing commitment to help steward, through non-perishable food donations, the Aliquippa Free Little Food Pantry at Stevie’s dairy mart project created by a local charity group the We Choose Joy Project. The pantry box is filled bi-weekly through the generous donations of our parishioners and the community to help those with food insecurities in our community.

Thanksgiving Harvest for the Hungry Non-Perishable Food Drive
From 2019-2021, our non-perishable food drive benefited undeserved families with food insecurities which visited our partner parishes involved with outreach ministry, St. John the Evangelist Orthodox Church in Beaver Falls, Pa., and St. Moses the Black Orthodox Church in Pgh Pa.
In 2020, donations from our parish included 1,473 food items, 307 clothing items and 265 hygiene products for St. John the Evangelist.
In 2021, St. Elijah also generously donated 13 Thanksgiving meals to undeserved families which visit the food pantry at St. John the Evangelist Orthodox Church in Beaver Falls, Pa. In 2022, the donation drive will benefit our new stewardship project, the Aliquippa Free Little Food Pantry at Stevie’s dairy mart project to provide non-perishable food items benefiting the underserved in our Aliquippa community with food insecurities throughout the year

Lenten Non-Perishable Food Drive
From 2019-2020, our non-perishable food drive benefited undeserved families with food insecurities which visited our partner parishes involved with outreach ministry, St. John the Evangelist Orthodox Church in Beaver Falls, Pa., and St. Moses the Black Orthodox Church in Pgh Pa. In 2021, through the guidance of our local outreach ministry partner, House of Prayer Lutheran Church, the donation drive benefited Aliquippa Deliverance Ministries, and also helped to kick off the new Aliquippa Free Little Food Pantry at Stevie’s dairy mart created by the We Choose Joy project to provide non-perishable food items benefiting the undeserved with food insecurities.
House of Prayer Lutheran Church Manna Community Meal
Our dedicated St Elijah volunteers plan, shop for, prepare, deliver, and serve up to 200 dinners twice a year supporting our community partner parish which hosts a weekly dinner every Tuesday feeding the local Aliquippa community with food insecurities.

House of Prayer Lutheran Church Free Little Pantry
Our generous St Elijah church groups have all graciously donated wonderfully prepared food from their functions to our parish partner in support of their Free Little Pantry Fridge and shelves.

Neighborhood Resilience Project/ St. Moses the Black Orthodox Church Volunteerism
Pgh Hill District Elementary School weekend backpack lunch program (2019-present)
Pgh Clergy weekend bag lunch program (2019)
Food pantry donation drive (2019)

Other Community Outreach: 2019
Elijah for Elias: Our St Elijah community reached out to the Kazas family of Kimisis Tis Theotokou Greek Orthodox Church of Aliquippa to help their son Elias, who was diagnosed with a rare and highly malignant inoperable tumor. St Elijah parishioners donated over $5,500 to help the family defray the extensive cost of treatment.
Our Partners:
St John the Evangelist Orthodox Church Beaver Falls :
Beaver County Orthodox Christian Ministry:
House of Prayer Lutheran Church Aliquippa Pa:
Kimisis Tis Theotokou Greek Orthodox Church of Aliquippa:
Neighborhood Resilience Project Pgh Pa:
St Moses the Black Orthodox Church Pgh Pa:
The Fellowship and Ministry Committee thanks everyone who in any way has helped to support the ministry. The ministry is blessed by your love and support. May God bless you and may He Bless those we serve.
“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10